GPS & Tracking Solutions
Gather valuable business intelligence with Cnection geo-positioning technology. The Whevo range of asset tags provide asset information, positioning and other sensor data.
Simply affix our devices to assets and use the data to drive business efficiencies, support loss prevention and provide operational gains.
Supports multiple low power radio technologies and powering options.

Bluetooth – Classic & BLE
Looking for a custom Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy sensor to give you an edge? Give us a call – we can help.
Likewise with beacon devices, data collection hubs and off the shelf sensors.
We have the experience to design you a complete solution.

Environmental Sensors
Sensing devices are available to measure almost any enviromental variable – temperature, humidity, light level being obvious ones. But also orientation, magnetic field, acceleration, rotation and more.
Whatever it is that you need to measure, we can help you, in fact we’ve probably already done it in a previous design.

RFID Sensor Tags / Zero Power Devices
Combining our two areas of expertise we can offer zero power sensors / logging devices. These have an optional battery but otherwise are powered and communicated with using an NFC smartphone.
We also support other energy harvesting devices which have options to power from RF energy, solar and thermoelectric.
It’s a fast moving technology so contact us to find out more.

Contact us to find out more and see how we can help.